General Information
Each year, New Bethel Baptist Church offers scholarships from various sources to members of the church who are pursuing educational opportunities offered by a post secondary educational institution, e.g. vocational/technical school, community college or four-year college. Eligibility for scholarships is determined by the Scholarship Committee of the Youth Council.
Criteria and Guidelines for application are listed below:
New Bethel Baptist Church Scholarship Aid Award
Must be actively affiliated with New Bethel Baptist Church for a minimum of two years and not a member of another church.
Must be a graduating high school senior
Must be accepted by a Vocational/Technical school or 2 / 4 year institution.
Must verify enrollment and attendance at the institution of higher learning.
Must submit a completed scholarship application.
Each recipient will receive equal amounts.
The Financial Aid amount will not exceed $500.
The pool of funds to be used each year for awards will come from the total amount collected for scholarships during each fiscal year (November 1st – October 31st). Of the amount collected 80% will be allocated for high school graduates and 20% set aside for previous graduates that might experience need.
The Flora Golden
Memorial Award
The Amount of the Flora Golden Award shall be $3,000 annually
($1500.00 for a female and $1500.00 for a male.) in the event that there is no male for that year two females with the most points will be awarded $1500.00 each and the same will apply for the males
All applicants for the Flora Golden Award must:
Be an active member of New Bethel Baptist and not a member of another church;
Be a graduating high school senior;
Submit an application to the church or scholarship committee;
Be accepted by a vocational/technical school or 2/4-year institution
Must verify enrollment and at any aforementioned institute of higher learning and
Submit a short summary of future plans and goals